Thrifty Tips (April 15, 2019)
Beautify a wall or fence and add to your growing space by using a vertical planter. Today's featured tip has step by step instructions for creating one of these for your home and garden.

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Today's Featured Post

Thrifty Vertical Planter Wall

By 15mhhm15

Thrifty Vertical Planter Wall - asymmetrical arrangement I was inspired by the beautiful succulent decor walls at my local malls and stores. I wanted my own mini version in my backyard. However, upon research I found that vertical planters are so expensive!

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Today's Guides
Remedies for Hair Loss in Dogs
Dog Loosing Hair
Preventing a Cat from Peeing Everywhere
A white cat sitting on a couch.
Spin Cycle Not Working on Washer
open washing machine
Slogan Ideas for a Daycare
Removing Stains From Wool Clothing
Wool Sweater
Getting Dental Work Done Without Insurance
Dental tools in open mouth
Today's Posts

Artwork into Paper Necklace for Kids

By 15mhhm15

Artwork into Paper Necklace for KidsMy son loved his paper rocket toy that he wanted to make his artwork into a paper necklace and wear it for fun! He was also nice enough to make his sister a butterfly necklace too.

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Soup from Leftover Scraps

By Judy

bowls of soup & saladSave all your vegetable peelings and ends, along with meat bones, in the freezer. When you have enough, make a broth that can be enjoyed as is, or as a base for other soups. I used the Instant Pot soup setting, which is 30 minutes after coming to pressure. If you are making it on the stovetop, allow a couple of hours.

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Boots from Old Sandals and a Sweater

By attosa

Boots made from an old pair of sandals and a sweater.I love to upcycle! I made these knit boots by taking an old pair of sandals my fiance was not very fond of and covered them with the sleeves of an old sweater that had good stretch in the arms, but not so much in the body.

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Laundry Detergent Caps For Bathroom Organizing

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

Photo of using laundry detergent caps in the bathroom for organizing.The house I live in does laundry a lot. And, they didn't recycle till I showed them the error of their ways.

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Cinnamon Apple Crumble

I love to make cinnamon apples whenever I have apples that are starting to go bad.

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We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Questions
When Does Your Period Usually Start?
I am 15 years old and still haven't gotten my period. I have pretty much full grown breasts, a face full of pimples, and body hair! All of my friends got their periods in 5th or 6th grade! I know periods suck and all, but I'm so anxious! Is there any way to get my period like super fast?
Repairing a Cedar Chest
How do I repair a cedar chest with brittle and dry wood?
What Are These Bugs?
What Are These Bugs? - longish brown bugs
Getting Dried Blood Stains Out of a Headliner
How do I get old dried blood stains out of my minivan headliner? Its a light grey fabric. Is a Magic Eraser safe?
Tips for Tub to Shower Conversion for a Senior
I'm a senior and planning a conversion. I'm looking to the future and want fixtures placed where I can shower sitting. I'm seeing pictures where the faucet is placed too high to turn the water on and off while sitting. I have a handheld shower now and it is too high and hurts my shoulder reaching for it.
Name Ideas for an After School Program
Can someone please help me find a name for an after school program, using "ray" or "under age"?
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