Recipes (March 20, 2016)

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Welcome to the Recipe newsletter; a collection of family recipes, tips, questions and guides that have been posted on ThriftyFun's website. Click on any post to give it a Thumbs Up vote or leave feedback.

Dehydrating Apples

By Litter Gitter

Dehydrating ApplesTo start my day, I love to sit down at the computer with a cup of coffee and look at all my favorite websites. When I have them, a handful of dried apples to munch on makes it even better. Dried apples are a good healthy snack anytime.

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Today's Guides
Glazed Ham Recipes
Glazed ham with pineapple on top.
Noodle Soup Recipes
Vegetable Noodle Soup
Lemon Cookie Recipes
Lemon Cookies
Using Powdered Milk
Powdered Milk
Today's Posts

Creamy Rainbow Jello

By lalala...

Creamy Rainbow JelloNot only does this treat look awesome, it tastes really good too!

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Colorful Deviled Eggs For Easter

By Nancy

One of my favorite recipes to make on Easter is Deviled Easter Eggs. You boil your eggs and peel them. Make up your egg colors like you are dying eggs and dip your boiled, peeled eggs in the dye.

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Broccoli and Toasted Almonds with Lemon Butter

By Ann

If you're looking for a quick and easy dish and like these four ingredients what's not to love?

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Breakfast Bake For Easter Morning

By brenda

If you are looking for the perfect recipe for making on Easter morning, this may be it. This is a great dish to bring to a family brunch too.

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