Happy Monday! ⛅ Today, we have a look at the investigation of the Baltimore Museum of Art's decision
Oct 19, 2020 • View in browser
Happy Monday! ⛅ Today, we have a look at the investigation of the Baltimore Museum of Art’s decision to deaccession major works, the story of an artist-led community garden in Los Angeles, and a useful explainer for those of us still wondering why the last Trump town hall took place at the Pérez Art Museum Miami.
– Hrag Vartanian, editor-in-chief
Former Baltimore Museum Trustees Condemn Major Deaccessions
A group of 23 former Baltimore Museum board and committee members are condemning the “hasty and opaque deaccession” of works by Brice Marden, Clyfford Still, and Andy Warhol in its collection.
The Pérez Art Museum Miami drew ire this week for allowing a town hall with President Trump to take place on its premises.
On Indigenous Peoples Day, a group of protesters tore down an obelisk in Santa Fe that celebrated the genocide of Native Americans with chains and ropes.
A French high school history teacher was beheaded in the suburbs of Paris for showing his students caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
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