When a photographer implements a number of photographic elements in a single image, the outcome is often compelling, balanced, intriguing and pleasant to look at. For example, in this image of an American goldfinch taken by John Mayer, the element of colour has been used to draw the viewer in and create a visually pleasing image, while a large depth of field is also being used to create distance between the blurred sunflowers in the foreground and the main subject. The rule of thirds is also being practiced here, with the goldfinch being positioned in the left third of the image, leading to a well-composed shot. When practicing photography, try experimenting with multiple techniques at once to see how images can be enhanced. 

Photos of the Week for the month of July

Other photos we featured in the month of July included a beautiful landscape image of the Canadian Rockies in Alberta taken by Clifford Dupuis, as well as a stoic puffin captured by Russell Lynch along the majestic coastline of Elliston, N.L. 

Each Monday, our editors choose a new Photo of the Week to feature as the cover photo on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We share it on Instagram, too!

Want to see your photo featured? Be sure to join and upload to our Photo Club.


We love when you tag us on Instagram using #ShareCanGeo. Here are a few of our recent favourites.

Click on each picture to be brought to the photographer’s Instagram page!
The ECOP Canada Ocean Decade photo competition is open!
Canadian Geographic is excited to announce our new, one-of-a-kind photo competition for early career ocean professionals (ECOP). 

This photo competition aims to collect and share visual stories on the diversity of ocean careers that exist in Canada and the people engaged in this meaningful work. We invite photographers to submit their photos to any/all of four categories for a chance to win some cool prizes and be featured in Canadian Geographic and on ECOP Canada’s media.

The grand prize will be awarded to one outstanding ECOP selected from among all eligible entrants. This includes an invitation to participate in a 
Students on Ice expedition as an expedition photographer (approximate value is $14,000) and a one-year subscription to Canadian Geographic magazine.  Category prizes will also be awarded to the single best image uploaded in each category, selected by our panel of judges. Visit the competition website to read the full list of rules.
The categories

The blue future: The Sustainable Blue Economy includes activities related to the ocean, fresh water and the cryosphere that provide social, cultural, ecological, and economic benefits for current and future generations.Photos entered into this category should show a diversity of ocean careers, with a focus on people who work in or with the ocean.

Unexpected encounters: Canada is bordered by three oceans, each with its own unique species, ecosystems and natural phenomena. Photos submitted to this category should show amazing marine landscapes or wildlife encounters.

Ocean solutions: How do you engage and inspire people with the ocean? Photos entered into this category should show ways that people or communities are helping to change society's relationship with the ocean which is the overarching challenge of the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030). Learn more

"The things we do for the ocean": Working on the ocean is not always glamorous; show us the gross, funny or hardcore activities that are part of life in and on the Ocean. If only a photo could capture the smell…

The competition closes on November 24, 2023, so don't delay!

Enter the competition
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