Prebiotic Chemistry & Early Earth Environments:
Seminar Series: Session #22
"Early Earth Environments"
Jihua Hao
Senior Research Scientist
University of Science & Technology of China, Department of Geochemistry &
Planetary Sciences
Wriju Chowdhury
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Rochester,
Department of Earth &
Environmental Sciences
The PCE3 Seminar Series is designed to highlight diverse origins of life research from all over the world, spark interdisciplinary discussion, and facilitate research connections among the PCE3 community. A primary goal of this series is to showcase the work of talented early career scientists in PCE3 sciences.

The series continues on Thursday, March 16th, from 5:00-6:30 pm (EDT). Additionally, sessions will be recorded with the permission of the speakers and uploaded to the PCE3 YouTube Channel.
The topic of this session is "Early Earth Environments". Jihua Hao will present “Important Roles of Photogeochemistry in Regulating the Availability of Nutrients on the Early Earth”, and Wriju Chowdhury will present “The Peaceful Realm of Hades: Overview of the Early Earth”.
Please register at the link above, and visit the PCE3 Seminar Series website for previous sessions. Join the PCE3 Slack here to continue discussion after the talks, and connect on Twitter @PCE3_Sci.