Good morning marketers, is TikTok really any different than Snapchat?

TikTok is having a moment, yet it’s easy to see how someone not familiar with the app (ahem, your boss) might dismiss it as just another Snapchat reboot. Worse, they might assume content from Snapchat can be repurposed on TikTok. The two platforms share similar features (and yes, similar audiences) but their value offerings are entirely different. Each offers unique ways to connect with audiences if used the right way by the right type of brand.

If you’re not sure where your brand fits in – or if it even fits in at all – we’ve created a quick guide that highlights key differences between TikTok and Snapchat along with essential considerations for brands looking at either app as a potential marketing channel. If your brand is already on TikTok, I’d love to hear your story. Drop me a note at

Martech is making a lot of noise with mergers and acquisitions. Specifically, consolidation in email marketing tech points to a growing demand for these platforms and services. Just last week, Validity announced plans to buy email marketing analytics and deliverability platform 250ok — its second email acquisition in less than a year. It’s clear that email marketers need better insights, and vendors are acquiring products and talent to meet those growing demands. Ultimately, the move to bring in more capabilities underscores how important email deliverability is – and will continue to be.

There’s more below, including an update on TikTok’s latest DAU numbers and tips for empowering sales and marketing to reach targets. 

Taylor Peterson, 
Deputy Editor

Pro Tip

Shifts we can make to empower sales and marketing to hit company targets

“Many B2B revenue teams have recognized the widening gap and are responding, explains Scott Vaughan of Integrate. “While there’s no silver bullet, here are strategies and tactics in play today that show promise.”

  • Sales need to focus on being stand-out sellers, Marketing needs to commit to being breakthrough marketers.
  • Company culture and compensation must start at the top.
  • Common language and definitions of success.
  • Integrated systems, dashboards and metrics. Using data to measure requires ONE data architecture and model to provide a “single point of truth.”
  • Re-imagine the revenue organization. Dubbed “Revenue Operations,” this approach can take the form of a fully integrated team or a hybrid of sales, marketing and finance with dotted lines to functional leaders. 

“The gap between Sales and Marketing is growing because of changing business dynamics and external and internal pressures. Step 1 is to commit to sales and marketing each doing what they do well, and then using culture, comp, org and data to integrate the effort around the customer journey.”

Learn more »


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Social Shorts

TikTok hits 41 million DAUs, Twitter begins testing a ‘Story’-like format in Brazil

TikTok hits another milestone. Have you heard? TikTok surpassed the 40 million mark for active daily users worldwide, according to new data from Learn Bonds. The data indicates that as of January 2020, TikTok has 41.27 million daily active users (DAUs) on both iOS and Android platforms globally. 

More movement on Twitter Stories. Rumor has it that Twitter is testing its own version of Stories, which TechCrunch now reports will be rolling out in Brazil in a format called “Fleets.” Much like the Story formats we all know and love, “Fleets” will let users post 24-hour content to its social network for the first time. Unlike Tweets, Twitter’s new Fleets can’t receive Likes, Replies or Retweets. Will this be another Twitter flop or can marketers expect to see success with the format? Time will tell. 

Facebook coronavirus update: Free ads for WHO. After initially responding to the coronavirus update with new measures and content precautions in February, Facebook is back with expanded measures. In a post on his personal Facebook profile, CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined a range of additional measures, including providing the World Health Organization (WHO) with as many free ads as it needs to maximize its coronavirus response. Zuckerberg says Facebook is also providing “support and millions more in ad credits” to other organizations working to reach and raise awareness of the outbreak in impacted regions.


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What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader

The loss of tracking cookies is fueling the importance of email newsletters – Digiday

Bookshlf launches an app to curate and share your favorite digital content – TechCrunch

Looking ahead in 2020: Twitter Data Partners weigh in – Twitter

Will loyalty programs gain renewed value in a cookie-less era? – Marketing Dive

Facebook’s new AI-powered moderation tool helps it catch billions of fake accounts – The Verge