February 27, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Whitney Tilson is pitching his pricey new Energy Supercycle Investor letter with stories about a "potential 1,000% windfall" from the continuing energy bull market -- and he even took his cameras on a field trip to Texas to make the pitch, so the least we can do is listen to it and sniff out the answers for you.  And since this is a Whitney visit to Houston, I do have to mention that yes, Iiiiii will always loooove you...

Sorry.  Just click below for your answers...

One of my favorite income plays right now is an under-the-radar fund that pays an incredible 11% monthly dividend. I'm so excited about this fund that I've made it a core holding in my "7% Monthly Payer" portfolio - an easy-to-buy collection of stocks and funds that could hand you $3,000+ in dividend payouts every single month!

Click here for all of the details.


Miss anything last week?  Catch up time!

We started out with a look at Joel Litman's ad for Altimetry -- he's also talking up energy, with a pitch about his "Perfect LNG Portfolio" and an investment in "U.S. Gov., Inc." 

Then it was yet another updated look at another energy pitch, Porter Stansberry's "Big Secret" spiel came back this week under a headline about "Obama's Third Term"

We also got into a sector that joined energy in beginning to heat up last year, for some of the same reasons, as Dave Lashmet pushes his "Defensive Gambit" stocks -- seven+ picks headed your way in that article.

And I closed it out with the Friday File, as usual... The focus last week was mostly on earnings updates, giving us some further data to ponder as we rethink Keysight, NVIDIA, Stem, Goosehead and more... just click below for the whole story...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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