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The latest insights from CDP, the global environmental disclosure system

The focus is on action this month as the Paris Agreement enters into force and world leaders gather in Marrakesh to discuss the nuts and bolts of the deal. Business isn’t waiting around, with over 900 of the world’s largest corporations already putting low-carbon plans in place and some showing that reducing emissions is not only compatible with high returns but makes sound business sense. Now the stage is set, attention turns to how business can deliver: stay tuned later this month to find out about the vital role of water and whether oil and gas majors are ready for the end of business as usual.

Post Paris, the spotlight shines bright on business climate action
by Paul Simpson

CDP’s first annual climate tracking report analyses over 1,000 of the heaviest emitting and highest market value companies globally to understand how they are moving the global economy closer to its climate goals. Our CEO Paul Simpson looks at just how far business has already come with their climate actions and if they prepared for the level of change that must be achieved to keep global warming below 2°C.

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Register now: CDP’s Global Water Forum
by CDP

Marking the launch of CDP’s annual flagship water report, the Global Water Forum in Marrakesh will bring together leaders from global corporations, policy makers and institutional investors to examine the vital role of water in achieving our low-carbon ambitions. Speakers include the UNFCCC climate champion and host of COP22, Minister Hakima El Haite of Morocco and the deputy executive director of the IEA, Paul Simons.

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Join CDP at COP22 in Marrakesh
by CDP

Business is one of the key actors in delivering on the ambition we saw in Paris. CDP is hosting events throughout COP22 to facilitate dialogue between the private and public sectors and explore how business and governments can work together to scale up action.

View the schedule here
Walmart’s Science Based Target: A Game Changer
by Pedro Faria

This week Walmart became the 26th company to successfully set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets that are in line with what climate science says is necessary to keep global warming below two degrees centigrade. Our technical director Pedro Faria explains what this means for global warming and why science-based target-setting is fast becoming mainstream.

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Around the web

CDP data revealed that over 900 of the world’s largest companies have a plan to cut their carbon pollution but only a fraction are currently doing enough to meet the goals of the Paris climate change accord. Read more on the Financial Times

Our Executive chair Paul Dickinson explains why so many companies are disclosing data about their environmental impact. Watch on Bloomberg

Big economic opportunities are on offer for low-carbon cities, said CDP’s It Takes a City report. Read more on the BBC

How is corporate carbon pricing evolving? CDP’s director of carbon pricing Nicolette Bartlett outlines seven key trends. Read more on World Economic Forum

Business leaders gathered in Paris for the New York Times Energy for Tomorrow conference to discuss their low-carbon ambition. Read more on The New York Times

Save the date

Thirsty business: Out November 15
Global demand for water is set to outstrip supply by 40%, yet many low-carbon technologies, not least carbon capture, depend on water. As we start the business of implementing the Paris deal, have companies factored how they will ensure a stable supply of water to meet their climate goals? Find out in CDP’s forthcoming report: Thirsty business: Why water is vital to climate action.

Oil & gas report: Out November 22
CDP’s latest investor sector research will reveal which major oil and gas companies are preparing for a low-carbon transition.

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We are an international, not-for-profit organization providing the global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information.

© 2016 CDP Worldwide, Registered Charity no. 1122330

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