Time for That Walk From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons from the Dog By Jeana Tetzlaff Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place with curators in museums; others we take for walks. ~Roger A. Caras Dogs have enriched our marriage for thirty years. Our last dog, Chance, was definitely special and usually very laid-back. He was a mix of Labrador and Golden Retriever with a hint of Greyhound. His favorite things to do were walking, and chasing other animals, including cats, rabbits and deer. Every day, Chance and I would take a one-mile walk. Sometimes, my husband would go with us, but usually it was just the dog and me. After having a total hip replacement in 2000, walking was the best form of therapy to keep my muscles strong. Chance was a good motivator since we didn’t miss a day of exercise, plus he was a gentle guy while on the leash despite weighing a hundred pounds. (Keep reading) |