The stand-out skill you don't know you're missing | AI skills open up job opportunities beyond tech | How to handle a lengthy interview process
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July 25, 2023
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
The stand-out skill you don't know you're missing
(Richard Drury/Getty Images)
Leaders can be both confident and vulnerable, and the latter comprises everything from a willingness to take risks to the courage to own your mistakes with colleagues, writes Damon Lembi, author of "The Learn-It-All Leader: Mindset, Traits, and Tools." "If you try to hide the truth from your teams out of ego or fear, you'll be seen as inauthentic, breed distrust and model unproductive behavior," Lembi writes.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (7/21) 
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AI skills are in high demand across various industries, not just in tech. Non-technical workers can enhance their employability by learning AI tools like ChatGPT and applying them to their routine tasks, creating lucrative opportunities in fields such as tax management, customer service, writing, HR, education, and health care.
Full Story: CNBC (7/20) 
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Time-management lessons from successful leaders
Top leaders have a number of strategies they use to perfect their approach to time management, including using time blocking, scheduling challenging work based on their energy levels and identifying issues that tend to derail focus. "By taking on my most difficult task when I'm at my most energetic, it makes it much easier to push through and produce high-quality work without exhausting myself," says Marnix Broer, cofounder and CEO of Studocu, one of several leaders offering advice.
Full Story: Fast Company (tiered subscription model) (7/23) 
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Hire Smart
How to handle a lengthy interview process
Drawn-out interview processes are becoming increasingly common and can be incredibly frustrating for job candidates, but Caroline Castrillon recommends easing the process by asking for details about the timeline and continuing to apply with other organizations. Ultimately, however, if a long series of interviews leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it may be time to move on to other opportunities, Castrillon writes.
Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (7/23) 
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The Landscape
The US economy tapped the brakes in July, with growth stalling to its slowest pace in five months, according to S&P Global data. The US manufacturing-sector index rose from 46.3 to 49 but remained negative, while the services index dropped from 54.4 to 52.4. "July is seeing an unwelcome combination of slower economic growth, weaker job creation, gloomier business confidence and sticky inflation," S&P economist Chris Williamson says.
Full Story: MarketWatch (tiered subscription model) (7/24) 
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About half of US adults in an Axios/Ipsos poll say they are able to save for retirement, but 1 in 5 respondents don't think that they will ever stop working. Among respondents 55 or older, 40% are not sure if they will retire when they had initially expected, and 23% say they will retire later than they had expected.
Full Story: The Hill (7/20) 
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Your Next Challenge
Advocating for yourself, touting your team's accomplishments and grooming a team member to move into your role are important steps in rising to the C-suite, Odgers Berndtson partner John de Regt writes. Your promotion may get put on the back burner "unless it's evident that there is an employee who is well-qualified to take on your role once you vacate it," de Regt notes.
Full Story: Odgers Berndtson (7/19) 
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The Water Cooler
Cowabunga! Xbox's Ninja Turtle controller smells like pizza
(Daniel Knighton/Getty Images)
As part of a marketing effort for the upcoming "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" movie, Microsoft has cooked up Xbox controllers that smell like pizza. There are four variations of the controllers. But if you think the variations are based on different types of pizza, you're wrong, dude.
Full Story: The Verge (7/24) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Christie's auctioned photographer Diane Arbus' "Child with a toy hand grenade in Central Park, N.Y.C." for how much in 2007?
Check your answer here.
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