Last week I started work every morning at 4 a.m.
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November 14, 2016

"There are certain things in this world we all have in common, such as time. The difference is what we do with that time and how we use it. If you’re killing time, it’s not murder, but pure suicide.” – Lou Holtz

Time-Management Success Checklist


By Craig Ballantyne

Last week I started work every morning at 4 a.m. One day I was in Denver, the next day I was in Chino Hills, California, the day after that I was in Orange County, and then I finished my workweek in beautiful Santa Monica in a hotel room overlooking the ocean.

Even though I bounced around SoCal from hotel to hotel, I never missed a morning of GAI (Getting After It). That’s because I have powerful morning rituals in place that have been part of my success routine for over fifteen years.

These rituals started me on the path to true freedom in my life. It began with me waking up each day at 4:30 a.m. in my tiny apartment in Toronto back in 2003. I’d focus on my number one priority in life (building my online business) before catching the 5:25 a.m. bus to take me downtown to the rich Rosedale neighborhood where I’d train CEOs, professional athletes, and stay-at-home moms from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Don't miss these tools keeping you…


You Can Go in 2 Directions


The Truth About Wealth


Use the Laugh-Cry-Rethink-Life Storytelling System

Like you, I had (and have) a busy, seemingly overwhelming schedule. But I conquered the daily grind when I put into place a time management success checklist that started with accomplishing one major victory first thing in the morning.

It didn’t matter how the rest of the day played out. The world could not take back the progress I had made before everyone else had stirred from their warm beds.

That’s just one of the secrets of success used by most millionaires and billionaires (like Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Oprah, Sarah Blakely, Elon Musk, etc.).

*****************SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT*********************
MUST READ: Discover NEW and Unusual Secrets to Becoming More Productive and Successful in Your FREE Copy of The Perfect Day Formula

"Craig is widely known to be super-productive, hyper-focused and amazingly successful. In The Perfect Day Formula, Craig reveals his "magic sauce" that has propelled him to such great heights. It isn't any fad gimmick or quick fix strategy or superficial band-aid. The principles, guidelines, and strategies he teaches are based on ancient wisdom and are timeless. Once I started the book I just couldn't put it down and have already implemented a number of his strategies with great success. I cannot think of anyone that wouldn't benefit from The Perfect Day Formula. We have and will continue to give out copies of the book to our own coaching clients. Definitely on our MUST READ list!" - Cody Sipe, Ph.D.

"For those of us who panic that the days are slipping away, this book is both a wake-up call and a prescription for getting on track. So many self-help and career books are praised for telling us what we already know — for giving us "helpful reminders." This isn't one of those books. Craig has new and sometimes unusual strategies for corralling the chaos of daily life in order to achieve our higher goals. The Perfect Day Formula is not a long book, but it doesn't need to be. He gets to the point, giving readers the methods (and in my case, the confidence) to set boundaries, be firm with yourself, and fiercely protect your schedule, so that you can build your empire *and* have time for the things that matter: family, hobbies, experiences. Though I'll probably never get up at 4 a.m. (or even 6 a.m.), I've already started putting many other principles into play and have successfully achieved one Perfect Day. I'm looking forward to reaping many more in the new year!" - Chelsea Bush, author

Get your FREE copy of The Perfect Day Formula today!

Today, no matter where I am in the world, I accomplish a full “average person’s workload” before the average person even arrives into the office (where they, the average person, then spend the next 60 minutes on email and social media).

That’s just one difference between average and accomplished.

If you look at yourself as an average person, I have some harsh advice for you.

Each morning I send a motivational message to my top coaching clients. Last Thursday it read:

Always think: WWAAPD – What Would an Average Person Do ... And then don’t do that, because: a) Average is wrong; b) Average is a waste of time; c) You’re smarter, better, and busier than average. Cut back on average and focus on what doing the extraordinary.

Ouch. The truth hurts. The average approach to life gets us nowhere. The average person watches more than four hours of television per day. The average person makes less than $50,000 per year. The average person is overweight, exhausted, and well, doomed to a life of average.

Don’t be average.

Instead, set yourself up for accomplishment each day.

Here’s how to do it.

Going back to last week, here’s what I accomplished.

Before 9 a.m. I had...

– Written a 1000-word ETR essay (this one)
– Implemented 3 important action items from my previous day’s private coaching session with Bedros Keuilian (I invest $30,000 a year in his Domination Day coaching program)
– Approved 3 promotion emails for my various email newsletter lists
– Put together 5 tips on writing better emails for my Fit Body Boot Camp partners to use
– Did a coaching call with one of my Perfect Life clients who lives back on the East Coast
– And I hit the gym...

How did I get it all done?

I follow a simple planning and a time management checklist.

The very last thing I do each day is to prepare my schedule/checklist for the next day’s work.

I use a template that looks like this and at the end of each day, I schedule in the specific tasks.

My Scripted Schedule Template
5-Daily Document review and meditation
6-Hit the gym
8-Coaching Call
8:30-Virtual Team Meeting to implement important action items
9-Writing focus on my number one priority project
12-Lunch & Email
1-Podcasts and Interviews to promote my book, The Perfect Day Formula
3-FB Social Media Posts to Drive Traffic (Only use social media with an objective)
4-Finish up and plan next day
5-Early dinner with Bedros or with coaching clients
6-Read, social time

This my best schedule. I’m not saying it needs to be yours. You and I have different familial responsibilities, different circadian rhythms, and different Magic Times.

But what you don’t have is an excuse to not build a time management success checklist.

Here’s how you’ll do it. In order to create your own Perfect Day schedule, you must first use my Time Journal Review. The time journal exercise requires you to document your days. You can download a FREE copy of my Time Journal here.

Using the Time Journal success tool liberates your Magic Time, exposes your Time Vampires, and identifies your OCD (obsessive-compulsive) loops that hold you back from success (but that you must overcome if you want to become accomplished).

Ten years ago I struggled with a common OCD loop. Each morning I’d check my email, my online sales stats, my blog stats, and then cycle through,, and yes, even Facebook. Embarrassing, I know.

Upon doing a time journal, I realized there were triggers (boredom, low energy) that tempted me into entering the OCD loop. To overcome the trigger, I needed an “anchor” to keep me on track with my scripted schedule.

The success anchor was as simple as forcing myself to open the word document that I need to be working on (whether it was an article or chapter for my book). The anchor overcame the temptation and broke my time-wasting OCD cycle.

Once you complete your time journal, you’ll identify your daily productivity problems, and you’ll start creating solutions to overcome each one.

In addition to identifying obstacles, you’ll also uncover times of the day when you get a lot done, more so than at any other time of day. This is your Magic Time. Once this time is identified, you must make sure that your daily plan keeps those times free for maximum accomplishment.

By making these three changes (creating a time management checklist, overcoming OCD loops and maximizing your Magic Time), you will triple the amount of work you get done each day, and you’ll become an accomplished, rather than an average, person. Success is now yours for the achieving.

About the Author: Craig Ballantyne is the founder of EarlyToRise University and the author of The Perfect Day Formula. His straightforward, sometimes "politically-incorrect" advice has helped millions of people transform their lives both physically and financially. Craig's secret weapons for success include his personal commandments, his 5 pillars, and his Perfect Life vision. Click here to learn more from Craig so that you can get more done, make more money, and live the life of your dreams.




You Can Go in 2 Directions


By Craig Ballantyne


Everything you do takes you closer to OR farther away from your goals. Think about that before each and every decision you make. Focus on replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns. One step at a time, done over time, leads to powerful changes in your life.

Click here to join my Facebook Habit Change Group and fix your bad habits. (You'll have to log into your Facebook account to request to join).





The Truth About Wealth


By Doug Casey


You want to be the cause for everything in your life. That implies working for yourself. At least turn your present employer into a partner or an associate. Think like an entrepreneur at all times. Remember that there is an infinite desire for goods and services on the part of the 6 billion other people on the planet. Find out how you can give them what they want, and the money will roll in... Recognize that wealth is a high moral good. Don't feel guilty about having it. Productive people — people who work hard to provide goods and services for others — definitely tend to be wealthier than unproductive people. They deserve to be.

Read more here.





Use the Laugh-Cry-Rethink-Life Storytelling System


By Craig Ballantyne


Recently I saw the master storyteller and social media superstar, Sean Stephenson, speak. He’s fantastic, and manages to takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride in just 10 minutes. His three-step storytelling system goes like this:

a)    Make the audience laugh
b)    Make the audience cry
c)    Make the audience re-think their life

It’s brilliant, entertaining, and effective, and it’s already helped me improve my speech.

To learn more about Sean, read his book, Get Off Your Butt.


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