Begin with favorable odds. Explore and plan to enter as many categories as you can. The average number of categories entered by finalists is 2.9 compared to 1.5 for non-finalists. Explicitly tie results back to campaign objectives. “The biggest miss was not including results, ideally business results. A judge who is looking at hours and hours of entries is not wanting to read long-winded write-ups about each entry,” said Tom Beeby, principal & executive creative director at Beeby Clark+Meyler and a recent member of our judging panel. Keep your boilerplate short and sweet. The average company description was 11.3% shorter for finalists compared to non-finalists. A video catches the judges’ eyes. Entries containing a supporting video are scored 30% higher on average. “A good case study video is essential,” said Catherine Davis, CMO of Feeding America. |