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Examine new hot topics such as OASIS-D, individualized plans of care, patient rights, and patient complaints and service recovery   Order Now
New for 2019 — with a deeper emphasis on the revised Home Health Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and on the OASIS — is Essential In-Services for Home Health: Lesson Plans and Self-Study Guides for Aides and Nurses. This significantly updated version features thoroughly reviewed in-services and offers

more home health in-services on more essential topics than any other product on the market!

Essential In-Services provides everything you need to train your nurses and aides, satisfying CMS’ requirement of completing 12 in-service training hours annually.


This vital resource will provide:

  • More than a year’s worth of training to satisfy CMS requirements
  • Practical education for home health aides and nurses on the important home health topics that impact their work daily
  • Time-saving guidance for educators on conducting lessons
  • Quizzes for each in-service
  • Customizable learning activities and games
  • And MUCH MORE!


Order Now!
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