Your newsletter to the world of SNV
March 2018

SNV supports women that press for progress
On International Women’s Day, our staff in many countries pressed for progress. Meet them via our picture story below. But celebrations are just a landmark. The real work happens day by day, latrine by latrine, marketplace by marketplace, until the last mile is covered. This newsletter shows you how women play an essential role to end poverty. SNV focuses on economic progress for women, starting with enhancing women's voice in the household. Meet Zainab, who is turning biogas slurry into solid money. And Philomena, who became a model dairy farmer. Visit households led by single females, now with proper latrines. And factory women in Dhaka, finally getting access to proper healthcare. SNV supports all these women to improve their lives. Read more: 

"Women are natural leaders and their leadership is not limited to the household"

Zainab believes all women are leaders and shows how biogas can contribute to their empowerment. Together with other women, she formed a savings and cooperative society with biogas loans as their flagship product. Meet Zainab the biogas ambassador! 

Enlightening the migration debate

The world is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war and an unprecedented 65.6 million people around the world have been forced from their homes. Globally, the largest portion of refugees are hosted in developing countries already struggling to overcome poverty themselves. Provision of energy for displaced persons must become sustainable. Read our expert’s opinion. 

Collaboration for Universal WASH

How can we scale inclusive and pro-poor WASH initiatives? Both rural and urban? SNV joined the 2018 WASH Future Conference in Brisbane and co-facilitated thematic sessions on women empowerment, gender equality and social inclusion. Read about the event.

Putting her first!

Rural single female-headed households are at risk of being left behind by sanitation and hygiene improvements. SNV works towards tailored approaches for this "last mile" group.
Read more.

SNV #PressforProgress!

On International Women's Day, SNV joined the global call for gender equality with an online campaign involving colleagues and end users from all around the world. Discover more and view the pictures of the event.

SNV Bangladesh launches Working with Women-II project

The garment (RMG) sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Bangladeshi economy and women account for 85% of its workforce. However, most workers lack awareness and access to healthcare. Read how SNV improves workers' health and well-being.

Thriving in a male-dominated sector: meet Philomena the model dairy farmer

Philomena has worked in the dairy sector since 1977. She faced some struggles during her long career as a dairy farmer but nowadays she has become a model farmer in Uganda. Read her story.

"My wife and I are now business partners"

SNV is boosting women’s entrepreneurship through household dialogues focusing on gender norms in 8 counties in Kenya under the 'Enhancing Opportunities for Women’s Enterprises (EOWE)' programme. Discover more.

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