Dear Valued Reader,

I started seeing a new ad today from Technology & Opportunity, with one of the headlines reading "URGENT: This tiny 'chip' is an endangered species" ... so that got my attention, we always do enjoy seeing a shortage and some nice price gouging margin expansion. So what is this little "chip?"  (I guess it's not actually a chip, since "" means "not really" in promoter-speak.)  Is it worth looking into?
I actually got a little intrigued by this one, and there are three stocks to think about, so just click below to...

He made a $450 million deal with Nokia... a $395 million deal with Microsoft... an $828 million deal with Cisco... and a $29.26 BILLION deal with Apple.

How did the CEO of a stock trading for just $3 do it? And just how high will the stock go as a result? The incredible story here.


I started a new feature for the Irregulars today, posting "Trade Notes" when I make portfolio changes between our regular Friday File updates -- this feature will change a bit as we go along, but you can see the first note here (the full note was emailed to the Irregulars this morning).

And did you miss yesterday's teaser solution?  Here you go...

What is this "C-V2X" thing being touted by Jeff Brown at Bonner and Partners, and is it going to revolutionalize cars and make us all safer (and wealthier, and more ready to brag about our brilliance at family holiday parties?)  Is his $6 stock really going to be the pick of the decade?  My take is just a moment away, click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | |
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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