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A Major Gift Officer's Guide
Your Go-To Source for Fundraising Strategy and Upcoming Trends
America’s biggest givers donated more than $33 billion in 2021, yet competition to win support this year is as tough as ever. Major gift officers must be sensitive to the changing environment to keep top donors engaged over time.

Check out our collection on major gifts for key advice on what to do before, during, and after meetings with prospects. Then, tune in for our next live webinar on how to inspire increased giving during these uncertain times.

Bundle these expert resources together for an extensive look into capturing support from big donors to beat out the competition.

Seeking Major Gifts: The Basics Collection - Cover image of two professionals looking at a digital tablet
Seeking Major Gifts: The Basics
This collection of nuts-and-bolts advice aims to help you manage the pressures of your vital role, build connections with wealthy individuals, and lay a strong foundation for landing big gifts.
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Fundraising Webinars: Cultivating Major Donors: What's Working Now - Cover image of a woman on the phone
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Cultivating Major Donors: What's Working Now
Join us for the upcoming webinar on September 15 at 2 PM ET to learn from veteran big-gift fundraisers about the tactics and messages they are using to secure gifts in 2022. 
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