Join Us for the U.S. Virtual Theatrical Release of 2040

World Environment Day—Friday, June 5 at 6 p.m.
The New Republic is proud to support the U.S. virtual theatrical premiere of 2040, Damon Gameau’s visionary film, offering new hope to the climate crisis conversation.

Motivated by his 4-year-old daughter and concern for the planet she will inherit, award-winning Australian director Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film, 2015), embarks on a global journey to discover what the future of the planet could look like by the year 2040 if we embrace the best solutions already available to us and shift them rapidly into the mainstream.

This premiere event will include a live Q&A after the screening at 7:30 on The New Republic Facebook page with:

Damon Gameau, Director
Paul Hawken, Environmentalist
Kate Raworth, Economist
Kate Aronoff, TNR staff writer
Watch Trailer and Purchase Tickets Here
This kicks off one week of screenings and live Q&As running from Friday, June 5 to Thursday, June 11. Additional speakers to be announced in the lead-up to the launch.
Alongside the release of 2040, a long-term impact action campaign, The Regeneration, aims to galvanize audiences to learn about, contribute to, advocate for, and invest in regenerative solutions to improve our planet. In Australia, where the film and campaign were launched last spring, The Regeneration is reporting huge successes, including raising over U.S. $1 million to scale regenerative climate solutions and inspiring thousands of people to support the work of more than 40 action partners around the world.

Find out more about 2040: The Regeneration here:

Facebook:  @2040Film / Instagram: @2040Film / Twitter: @2040Film

#Whatsyour2040 #JoinTheRegeneration

What is American conservatism? What are its core beliefs and values, who are its key thinkers, and what insights does the tradition of conservative thought in this country have to offer at this critical moment in our history?

Join Andrew J. Bacevich, editor of Library of America's American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition, and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Sean Wilentz for an urgent and timely conversation about the past, present, and future of an often neglected or misunderstood tradition of American political thought There will be a brief Q&A at the end of the program; you will be able to type a question and submit it to the event moderator.

Registration is required to attend this event. After you register you will receive a confirmation email with a link and instructions on how to join.
Register for Event Here
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