'The Politics of Everything' TNR's podcast hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
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'The Politics of Everything' TNR's podcast hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Podcasts on the intersection of culture, media, and politics 
Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene

April 5, 2021 

Andrew Cuomo, the Creepy Tyrant of Albany
Why did it take so long for the New York governor’s bad behavior to catch up with him?
The Cousinhood That Still Rules Britain
Why do the Tories keep winning?
The Unnatural Endurance of Bipartisanship

How did “working across the aisle” become the goal and not merely the means?


Other Audio Features
Audre Lorde Broke the Silence

In her poems and “The Cancer Journals,” Lorde fought to name her experience.

Why Do Americans Have So Few Rights?

How we came to rely on the courts, instead of the democratic process, for justice

Saving the Climate in a Triple Crisis

A moon shot model for the transformation of capitalism



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