'The Politics of Everything'
Podcasts on the intersection of culture, media, and politics Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
MondayApril 26, 2021
Mark Bittman’s Beef With Capitalism
On junk food, cash crops, Oatly, and how to fix what’s broken in our food system
Andrew Cuomo, the Creepy Tyrant of Albany
The Cousinhood That Still Rules Britain
Why do the Tories keep winning?
The Mystery of Merrick Garland
Biden’s attorney general is neither an ideologue nor a partisan, but a consensus-builder. How will he wield his power in this historic, politically charged moment?
The Long Fight to Cancel Student Loans
How student debtors took a radical idea to the mainstream
An Epic Debate on Trump and True Evangelicalism
In which journalist Matt Labash (a Never Trumper) and radio host Eric Metaxas (a Trump supporter) agree to disagree