Good morning, Marketer, and when is it okay to be surveilled?

As our story about use cases for geofencing explains, location marketing has to be tightly bonded with a respect for privacy. In other words, it needs to be consent-based. But wait, why would I give some app the right to surveil me?

Well, there are lots of reasons of course. It could guide me to products and services I need, it could offer me discounts for purchases close at hand — it could save me a lot of trouble. What makes me less comfortable is the idea that it might keep a record of all my movements, and keep it indefinitely.

As usual, it all comes down to trust. Do I trust this brand? Does it appear to share my values? Do I want it in my life? Marketers need to ensure that the answer to all those questions is: “Yes.”

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

To know your customers, ping their phones

Use cases for privacy-sensitive geofencing.

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How to drive engaging brand experiences with co-innovation

Co-innovation lets marketers use their engagement tools more effectively.

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Consumer research differentiates brands this holiday season

Shopping insights reveal the “new normal” shopping trends that may be here to stay – and the tactics leading brands should implement now.

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How to improve campaign quality in a digital-first world

Without a digital-first strategy, brands will have a hard time creating high-quality campaigns.

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4 expert tips to advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn ads are an incredibly useful way to reach your target business audiences. Getting started in LinkedIn Advertising is very straightforward, but there is so much you can do to test and optimize campaigns to fully maximize results. Download this brief guide to learn 4 expert tips to help your LinkedIn Advertising campaigns.

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Theorem adds creative optimization to its LinkedIn offering

Theorem now offers an audit of performance across digital channels to support the development of LinkedIn campaigns.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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The digital asset management conundrum and how to fix it

Preparedness is key to DAM success and that means being prepared before looking for a vendor or a solution.

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What we’re reading. CX advisor Adrian Swinscoe’s eight customer experience predictions for 2022. Number one, especially, which is right on the money.

From Search Engine Land

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