InformationWeek Leadership
Supreme Court Ruling and IT Diversity; Creating IT Roadmaps; How HAL 9000 Predicted AI Hallucination

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InformationWeek Leadership careers
September 06, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
To Pay or Not to Pay? The Ransomware Dilemma
How will you respond if your company becomes a ransomware victim? Know the answer before it happens.

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IT Diversity Efforts May Feel Sting of Supreme Court Ruling

Building diversity in IT requires CIOs -- and organizations in general -- to dedicate sufficient time and resources to the effort if they’re serious about change.
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Building an IT Roadmap Today for the Future

How can your organization design a roadmap that allows its IT department to navigate a potentially disruptive future?
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Podcast: Is 2023 an AI Hallucination Odyssey?

DOS Won’t Hunt explores how Stanley Kubrick’s prescient depiction of an overly confident HAL 9000 relates to AI hallucinations seen today.
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  • The Evolution of the Vulnerability Landscape in 2023

    While this summer has been jokingly called "zero-day summer" by some, 2023 fits Mandiant observations that zero-day exploitation has been trending upward for the last few years. As shown in our zero-day trends blog post, Mandiant tracked 55 zero-day vulnerabilities that we ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Unleash the Dynamic Forces of Women in Software Development
Diversity seems to have taken a step back in the tech sector. Research shows the bottom-line benefits from women and a diverse workforce in software development. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
11 Hot IT Certifications For 2023
IT management and cybersecurity certifications continue to offer very high pay premiums -- and their value is growing. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Ransomware Reaches New Heights
It's not going anywhere: Widely exploited bugs like MOVEit, leaks of stolen data, and rapid-fire escalation are keeping ransomware attacks as painful as ever. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Must-Have Enterprise Cloud Skills
To thrive in today’s multi-cloud environment, every enterprise IT team needs professionals with these 10 cloud computing skills. Read More
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