TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 16, 2017

Is Our Clothing Toxic? It's More Complicated Than We Think

By Jill Richardson, AlterNet

Every fabric has some form of processing that includes potentially toxic chemicals. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: The 10 Steps to Impeach a President

By Robert B. Reich, Robert Reich's Blog

It won’t be easy to impeach Donald Trump. READ MORE»

To Trump Supporters, He Is a Fantasy Love Object Who Does No Wrong: How to Fight This?

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

It is cult like for Trump's most loyal supporters. Reason cannot defeat that. READ MORE»

Dems, Wake Up and Reframe Health Care Debate So Americans Know You’re On Their Side

By Rick Gell, AlterNet

The GOP keeps talking about health care freedom, when they are taking away coverage and options.  READ MORE»

‘We Need to Survive His Presidency’: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Blasts ‘Buffoon’ Trump—and the Media Covering Him

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"It’s totally unpredictable. I don’t think he knows what he’s going to do.” READ MORE»

Blowing the Lid off of the 'Marijuana Treatment' Racket

By Paul Armentano, AlterNet

Fewer teens are using pot, and even fewer are using it problematically. But that hasn’t stopped drug treatment admissions from soaring. READ MORE»

What Robert Mueller Learned From Enron

By Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica

The patient, sophisticated and very aggressive prosecution of the energy giant could signal how he will handle the Russia investigation. READ MORE»

Trump’s Malevolent Voter Fraud Commission

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

How voter suppressionist Kris Kobach’s latest move is closer to evil than it is incompetence. READ MORE»

Nurses and Activists Playing Hardball with Legislators Running Away From Single Payer Health Care

By RoseAnn DeMoro, Common Dreams

Activists are working to hold every member of the California Assembly accountable. READ MORE»

Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event Already Under Way, Scientists Warn

By Damian Carrington, The Guardian

Researchers talk of "biological annihilation" as study reveals billions of populations of animals have been lost in recent decades. READ MORE»

How 'Game of Thrones' Became TV's First Global Blockbuster

By Amanda Lotz, The Conversation

It’s now possible for a series to release new episodes for viewers around the world, and the result is a global watercooler – a shared media culture that transcends national boundaries.  READ MORE»

Macaroni and Cheese Lovers Beware: Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Have Been Found in 10 Varieties

By Nika Beauchamp, Environmental Health Strategy Center

There are no known safe levels of phthalates for vulnerable populations like pregnant women and young children. READ MORE»

Philadelphia Story: An Ambitious Campaign to Spread Opportunity Into All Corners of the City

By Jay Walljasper, AlterNet

Here's a proven alternative to the gentrification of American cities. READ MORE»

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