If you are going to place an options trade, the first thing you need is a stock to trade.
But that is the easy part.
Because after that you need to determine what strategy to use.
And even more important than that….
Should You Even Trade At All?
This is something that trips up all new traders.
Their trades lose because they never should have placed the trade in the first place!
But how do you know ????
Download and Use My Free Trading Blueprint.
It’s easy.
Once you have a stock in mind, following along on the blueprint.
It will ask you certain questions, and you just follow where it takes to.
It’s a decision tree.
Once you know if you should trade the stock, it can even help you determine exactly which strategy to trade.
Pretty Cool huh?
Get your Blueprint now.
"This helped so much! As a new trader I am always confused as to how I should play a certain stock. Now I know. The best part is that is was free! Thank you again for this great guide." Amber Brown
Trade With The Odds In Your Favor!
Allen Sama
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