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To: John Do

May 26, 2020 - Volume 14, Issue 11

Why Your Chiropractor Matters (Even More Than Ever)

Chiropractic wellness care has always been a critical element of health, but as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives, it's more essential than ever. Here are three reasons why.

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It's Time for Better Sleep

How much has your sleep been affected during the coronavirus pandemic? We're not just talking about the amount of sleep; we're also talking about quality of sleep, and we need more of both.

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Pain: Putting the Fire Out

Many people rush to their medicine cabinet and pop some pills at the first sign of pain. Here's a much better idea that can help reduce pain caused by common overuse conditions.

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Your Weight Affects Your Baby - Even Before They Are Born

Yes, your body-mass index (essentially a general measure of body size based on height and weight) can impact the health of your child – and it can do so even before your baby is born.

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Lessons From the Lockdown

The "lockdown" has opened people's eyes to aspects of their lives that needed to change, and should continue to be in effect post-COVID.

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High BP Is Bad for the Brain

As scientists work to find ways to treat or even prevent cognitive decline, they're learning more about some of the risk factors that can cause it.

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This issue features a number of articles you will want to share with your family, friends and co-workers. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to them via e-mail


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