Dear John

Today is a very special day!

It’s my birthday!

Why is it so special? Because my gratitude bucket is overflowing. I have been reflecting on all of the blessings God has given me: family, friends, YOU, and the list goes on and on.

Today, my birthday wish for you is that you will choose to intentionally become the person God created you to become.

Gifts can make you happy for the moment.

Seeing someone you love grow because of something you shared with them brings you joy for eternity.

Let that sink in.

One more thing - I think it’s really cool that one of my closest friends and mentors decided to release his latest book for my birthday! (not really just for me - lol). If you want to step into becoming the person God created you to become then you need to check out Howard Partridge’s book F.T.I. (Failure To Implement) right here.

Be blessed today and know you have blessed me.

Choose To Win!


P.s. Howard changed my life. His friendship, wisdom, and genuine care and concern for me along with his wisdom and willingness to help me through the toughest times is something that will impact my family for generations to come. Thank you Howard!


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