Dear John,
Today would have been Dad’s 91st birthday, and to honor his legacy, I would like to share with you a story, a challenge, and a gift.
Forty years ago, when I was only 12, I loved sleeping in during the summer months. Of course, if Mr. Smith was coming over to do our yard, my sleep time would be interrupted by the snip, snip, snip from his hedge clippers right outside my window. The snipping sound would soon be joined by my dad’s booming voice:
“Mr. Smith, how is business these days?”
“Great, Mr. Ziglar! I have to hustle just to keep up!”
“And how is your family doing, Mr. Smith?”
“Fantastic, Mr. Ziglar! The last kids are finishing college and everyone is doing really good.”
This banter seemed to go on forever, and it always seemed to take place right outside my window. Later that day Dad would recount his conversation with Mr. Smith, and he always pointed out that Mr. Smith’s yard business allowed him to put all of his kids through college.
It wasn’t until years later that I figured out why Dad was doing this. You see, Mr. Smith wasn’t an “educated” man, but he was full of wisdom and hard work. Dad always called him Mr. Smith — a sure sign of respect — and he always commented on how great his attitude was, how strong his work ethic was, and how responsible he was putting his kids through college.
Dad was teaching me so many lessons about life just by having a conversation outside my window. He was telling me that Mr. Smith had a choice, and because he chose wisely and did what he could do with what he had, he created an amazing life for himself and his family.
Today, on Dad’s birthday and in his honor, I challenge you to have an intentional conversation you want a loved one to overhear.
And here’s your gift: for TODAY ONLY, every single book, CD/DVD and MP3 in the Ziglar store is on sale for 50% off! No limits… anything you want at any price point and it’s ALL 50% off!