Celebrating National Nurses Week with news and analysis about patient safety and healthcare quality
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Featured Story

TODAY: Professional Development: Opportunities for Nurse Leaders to Build a Stronger Culture of Safety and Quality
Join us on Wednesday, May 8 at 11 a.m. Eastern as presenter Diana Swihart explains how nurse leaders have advanced some of Florence Nightingale's ideas to create a definitive culture of safety and quality in all practice settings. Register now to reserve your spot!

News & Analysis

MUSC Pivots on Virtual Nursing to Focus on the Specifics
Warr says it’s critical to identify specific KPIs in evaluating the success of a Virtual Nursing program, and to focus on small, measurable actions rather than larger concepts. For example, it’s great to say such a program will reduce time spent on admissions and discharge, but there are many factors that go into those processes that Virtual Nursing won’t affect.
Narrowing the Gender Gap in Care Disparity
Despite healthcare advances over the past few decades, we know that wide gaps in the research and treatment for health issues unique to women continue to exist. This results in significant disparities in treatments not only for issues like maternal or menstrual health, but also for conditions that present differently in men and women.
PSQH: The Podcast

PSQH: The Podcast Episode 103 – Supporting Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders

On episode 103 of PSQH: The Podcast, Deborah Koivula, Outreach Coordinator for Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses in New York, talks about how provider organizations can better support nurses struggling with substance abuse disorders. This episode is part of PSQH's activities for National Nurses Week.

Industry Events


Tuesday, 5/14 - IHI Patient Safety Congress 2024

Monday, 6/3 - APIC 2024

Sunday, 10/6 - ASHRM 2024 Annual Conference


PSQH National Nurses Week


Visit PSQH’s National Nurses Week coverage each day for updates.


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Contact Christa Cruz to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Christa Cruz
National Sales Manager