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New Jersey Symphony Orchestra seeks Chief Human Resources & Diversity Equity Inclusion Officer
 The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra seeks a dynamic and talented HR generalist with demonstrated success leading DEI strategies to help cultivate a world-class, people-first workplace environment and drive forward DEI initiatives for the organization. [READ MORE]
Manager, Institutional Giving
 he Manager of Institutional Giving is an essential member of our staff who works closely with the Development Director, CEO, program staff, and Board. The position provides a unique opportunity to gain experience strategizing and implementing contributed revenue approaches from a range of sources. [READ MORE]
TPAC seeks Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer
 The Tennessee Performing Arts Center seeks a dynamic and inspiring diversity and inclusion executive to help the organization more fully integrate its core values throughout all facets of its operations – both internally and externally. [READ MORE]
Finance Director, MCC Theater
 MCC Theater seeks a skilled, proactive and creative Director of Finance as an integral part of the organization’s senior leadership team. This newly created position has responsibility for management, reporting and analysis of all financial activities, and will play a key a role in strategic planning. The Director of Finance will report to the Executive […] [READ MORE]
AJ CLASSIFIEDS                           Reach our 30,000 subscribers - Advertise on ArtsJournal

Mixed Blood Artistic Director 
Mixed Blood is seeking a full-time Artistic Director to succeed the founding director and lead the organization into its next iteration. [READ MORE]

Artistic Director – San Francisco Ballet 
SAN FRANCISCO BALLET (SF Ballet) invites qualified candidates to submit applications to become its next Artistic Director. [READ MORE]

Mehretu’s To-Do, “Day’s End” & Diller-Dally: Inside & Outside the Reopened Whitney 

As CultureGrrl readers will remember, my first post-pandemic visit to a museum — the Metropolitan — did not end well. Happily, things went more smoothly for me at the Whitney ten days later. – Lee Rosenbaum


Queering ‘Giselle’ 
     - Email/share thisWashington Post 

AI Is All Around Us Now. But Is It?
     - Email/share this  - 3 Quarks Daily 

How Our Technology Can Change Our Character
     - Email/share this  - 3 Quarks Daily 

Art Board Members Of UK Cultural Institutions Being Punished For Disagreeing With The Government?
     - Email/share this  - The Art Newspaper 

Venice Cruise Ship Ban Ends — Ships Return To The Lagoon
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

Tickets Or NFTs? Do You “Own” The Experience?
     - Email/share this  - Medium 

The Behind-The-Scenes Disasters That An Arts Festival’s Public (Hopefully) Never Sees
     - Email/share this  - The Post and Courier (Charleston) 

Does Los Angeles Need A New Arts Mega-Donor To Replace Eli Broad? Naaah
     - Email/share this  - Los Angeles Times 

Kate Winslet: A Huge Increase In Roles For Women My Age
     - Email/share this  - BBC 

How Podcasts Became Substitutes For Friends During The Lockdown
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

How Big Was The Hit Public Radio And TV Stations Took Last Year?
     - Email/share this  - Current 

Uncertain But Hopeful, Carnegie Hall Announces Reopening Plans
     - Email/share this  - New York Times 

What Ails The Classical Music Industry
     - Email/share this  - Nightingale Sonata 

Experiments In Opera: Philip Glass At The Circus
     - Email/share this  - Los Angeles Times 

Richard Robinson, Who Made Scholastic Into A Children’s Publishing Powerhouse, Dead At 84
     - Email/share this  - Publishers Weekly 

Garth Drabinsky’s Comeback Will Be Broadway’s First Fully New Musical Since COVID Arrived
     - Email/share this  - New York Times 

Should You Become An Art Critic? Take This Test!
     - Email/share this  - ARTnews 

Art Theft Is Way Down In Italy, Thanks To The Carabinieri’s Drones
     - Email/share this  - The Art Newspaper 

As Italy Was Locked Down, Looting Of Ancient Roman Artifacts Went Up
     - Email/share this  - CNN 

English City Experiments With Design In Public
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

 This Is How Easy It Is To Troll Book Folk
     - Email/share this  - BookForum 

 The Scholar Who Proved Homer Didn’t Exist
     - Email/share this  - The New Yorker 

 Folks Have Been Looking For A Gender-Neutral English Pronoun For A Long Time Now
     - Email/share this  - The Atlantic 

 Princeton Drops Latin And Greek Requirements For Classics Study
     - Email/share this  - The Atlantic 

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