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A message to the arts and cultural sector from James Abruzzo: We are here to listen and eager to help
 While we are still engaged with paid search and consulting projects, we also realize that our experience and perspective may be helpful in other ways and so invite you to contact us for advice, perspective, and/or a friendly shoulder to lean on. No obligation – we’d like to hear from you [READ MORE]
Earn your Certification in Creative Placemaking this Fall
 NJIT's (New Jersey Institute of Technology) groundbreaking and highly respected Professional Certificate in Creative Placemaking will be conducted in virtual classroom format in Fall, 2020. This 90-hour course of study runs September 10-Dec. 21. [READ MORE]
J.S. Bach: The Six Solo Cello Suites Performed by Wendy Sutter
 Sunday, August 23 Perspectives Ensemble presents a two-part event: J.S. Bach: The Six Solo Cello Suites Performed by Wendy Sutter Part I: 3pm EDT (Suites 1-3) and Part II: 6pm EDT (Suites 4-6) Livestreamed from Judson Memorial Church, New York City. [READ MORE]
Golden Thread Productions Hiring New Executive Artistic Director
 Golden Thread Productions is seeking a new Executive Artistic Director to follow in the footsteps of Founding Artistic Director Torange Yeghiazarian. [READ MORE]
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Mass Cultural Council – Executive Director 
Mass Cultural Council is an independent agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with a mission to promote excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences [READ MORE]



Why “Bad” Movies About Dance Are A Guilty Pleasure 
     - Email/share thisWashington Post 

The School Of American Ballet Finally Hires A Permanent Faculty Member Who Is Black 
     - Email/share thisThe New York Times 

Networked Neurology: A Radical Reimagining Of How The Brain Communicates
     - Email/share this  - Wired 

Global Warming In Historical Perspective
     - Email/share this  - 3 Quarks Daily 

What Animals Have To Say
     - Email/share this  - New York Review of Books 

Big Live Arts Experiences Are Crucial And We Ought Not Lose Them
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

Survey: Consumers Are Against Any Bailout For Movie Theatres, Concert Venues, Etc.
     - Email/share this  - Variety 

Survival: Hibernate Or Adapt?
     - Email/share this  - Toks Dada 

In The Digital Age What Does It Mean To “Withdraw” Problematic Content?
     - Email/share this  - The New York Times 

Alan Alda’s Hawkeye Is A Flawed Hero With Something To Teach Us Now
     - Email/share this  - Los Angeles Times 

The Studio Behind This Year’s Oscar-Winning Animated Short Are Trying To School Hollywood
     - Email/share this  - FastCompany 

Reshooting A Zombie Movie During A Pandemic Isn’t Actually That Easy
     - Email/share this  - Los Angeles Times 

A Florence Music Festival Reconceives Itself In A Much Bigger Way
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

A Classical Music Host Says Music Is Keeping Her Alive After Emergency Brain Surgery
     - Email/share this  - BBC 

Minecraft Hosts A Massive Music Festival For Everyone Stuck In Quarantine
     - Email/share this  - CBC 

A Lockdown Q&A With Yo-Yo Ma
     - Email/share this  - Washington Post 

The Radical Favors Of Dave Brubeck
     - Email/share this  - Times Literary Supplement 

Career Moves In 2020: Storming TikTok, Freaking Out The President, Hosting Late-Night, Getting A Netflix Special
     - Email/share this  - Wired 

How You Translate The Madcap Edinburgh Fringe Online
     - Email/share this  - The New York Times 

Giant Outdoor Mass Art Productions Aren’t That Risky And Shouldn’t Be Banned
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian (UK) 

University Of Oregon Library Says It Will Cover ‘Oppressive’ Murals
     - Email/share this  - KLCC (Oregon) 

The Robert E. Lee Statue At The U.S. Capitol May Move To A Virginia Museum
     - Email/share this  - Hyperallergic 

 Claim: Leaders Who Read Fiction Have Governed Better During The COVID Crisis
     - Email/share this  - The Guardian 

 Now Is The Textbook’s Time To Shine
     - Email/share this  - Slate 

 Through Fiction, Humans Can Become Animals
     - Email/share this  - LitHub 

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