Dear John,


Today’s Gospel reading tells us about the woman who was caught in adultery.


Although this woman was guilty of a very serious sin, Jesus did not want her condemned to death. In fact, He used this as an opportunity to teach the scribes and Pharisees that, likewise, they were not free from sin.


Our Beloved One is always ready to forgive us of our sins. No matter our past transgressions, He wants to forgive us.


In Micah 7:18, we read:


Who is a God like thee, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression
for the remnant of his inheritance?


He does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love.


For those who have not been to Confession recently, this is the perfect opportunity. As we are now in the final two weeks of Lent, we can enter into the Easter season with a clean slate. God is longing for our return, waiting for us to approach Him with contrite hearts. Jesus is ready to say to us also: “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” How will we respond?


Let us seek the Lord with hearts open to His mercy.


Here are today’s Mass readings:


First reading: Isaiah 43:16-21


Psalm: 126:1-6


Second reading: Philippians 3:8-14


Gospel: St. John 8:1-11


Here are a few faith-filled programs airing on EWTN over the next few days:


The life of Giuseppe Moscati, a successful doctor, researcher, and university professor, whose greatest accomplishment was serving the poor and homeless of Naples in a time of turmoil and inequality.


Part 1, April 2, 8:00 PM; Part 2, April 9, 8:00 PM. (90 mins.)


A president and a pope join forces to defeat the Soviet Union’s evil empire in this compelling documentary about the alliance between Ronald Reagan and Pope St. John Paul II.


April 4–6, 5:30 PM. (30 mins.)


Experience the power and strength we gain through the Liturgy and Eucharistic Adoration. This documentary series will change the way you view this most sacred and central of Sacraments forever.


April 8, 5:30 PM. (30 mins.)



As we prepare for Holy Week, let’s focus completely on Christ, so we are able to unite ourselves to His journey to the Cross.


In Christ,


Father Joseph


P.S. If you are inspired by this message, please forward it on to your loved ones.


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