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Fairouz in a concert in Beirut, Lebanon, in 2010.
Analysis || How One Selfie Sent Tremors Through Lebanon
Zvi Bar'el | 30.06.2021
Homo Nesher Ramle,: The skull parts that were discovered
New Type of Prehistoric Human Discovered in Israel: Homo Nesher Ramla
Ariel David | 24.06.2021

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Rep. Ilhan Omar listening to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaking on Capitol Hill last month.
Jewish Democrats Back Ilhan Omar Following 'Partners in Justice' Controversy
Ben Samuels | 01.07.2021
The offices of Citadel Cyber Security. Alumni of the military intelligence technological units have helped expand Israel's defensive cyber industry
Israeli Military vs. NSO: The Battle for Talent Is Getting Dark
Shuki Sadeh | 29.06.2021
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan gestures during an interview in Islamabad, Pakistan this month
Opinion || The Taliban Will Decide if Pakistan Recognizes Israel
Kunwar Khuldune Shahid | 30.06.2021
Israelis wear face masks during a mall visit, earlier this week.
As COVID Numbers Climb Again, Israel Eyes Reinstating Some Restrictions
Haaretz | 30.06.2021
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid at a Yesh Atid party meeting in the Knesset, Monday.
Analysis || Why Israel's New Government Is Finally Standing Up to Poland's Holocaust Revisionism
Anshel Pfeffer | 30.06.2021
Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef in 2015.
Israel's Chief Rabbi Shrugs Off Math, Science Studies as 'Nonsense'
Sam Sokol | 30.06.2021
Joe Biden and Reuven Rivlin meet at the White House, on Monday.
Analysis || Two Words Biden Told Rivlin Clearly Indicate How He Feels About Israel's New Government
Yossi Verter | 29.06.2021
Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef
Opinion || In Israel, It’s Not Just Rabbis Who Don’t Know Math and Science
David Rosenberg | 01.07.2021 - הארץ
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