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Roee Yohay Yosef Mordechay
Israel-Hamas War Day 92 || Israeli Army Names Soldier Killed in Gaza Fighting on Saturday
People take part in a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza, in Brussels, Belgium in December.
Opinion || Israel Isn't Committing a Genocide, but It Has Genocidaires
Anshel Pfeffer  
A picture taken from a position in southern Israel along the border with the Gaza Strip, shows smoke billowing over the Palestinian territory during Israeli bombardment on January 5, 2024, amid continuing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas.
Israel-Hamas War Day 91 || IDF Strikes Hezbollah Operational HQ in Lebanon; Hostage Families Arrive in Qatar
Israel Palestinians Gaza Destruction
Amid Israeli Destruction in Gaza, a New Crime Against Humanity Emerges: Domicide
Netta Ahituv  
Co-directors Rula Daood and Alon-Lee Green. "Joining the movement became a life-changing journey for me," Daood says.
A Jewish-Arab Partnership Is Building a Young New Peace Camp in Israel
Netta Ahituv  
Supporters of Hezbollah listen to a speech by leader Hassan Nasrallah during a ceremony to mark the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Iran's Quds force General Qassem Soleimani, in Beirut on Wednesday.
Analysis || To Avoid All-out War With Israel, Hezbollah's Nasrallah Is Already Boasting of Victory
Zvi Bar'el  
Video released by the IDF shows Bipin Joshi taken to al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, on October 7.
Age: 23; Time in Israel: 25 Days; Time Held Hostage in Gaza: Over 90 Days
Bar Peleg  
wild yak
Tibetans Created a Super-yak 2,500 Years Ago
Ruth Schuster  
אודי לוי
Blowing Up Millions of Dollars: The Mossad's Secret War on Hamas and Hezbollah Funds
Yossi Melman  
ד"ר אפרת ברון הרלב
'There Was No Info on Treating Child Hostages, We Made It Up. We Had No Room for Mistakes'
Ayelett Shani - הארץ
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