A Sunday of Only Afternoon
Kim Hyesoon
Translated from the Korean by Cindy Juyoung Ok
The falling rain looks at
the blue sky

The ruined drawing gazes at
the white paper

The black crow stares at
the buried person

The morning that wakes in the afternoon
looks back

Listening while holding the breath
to a spring-like daughter's morning song
from the journal THE HOPKINS REVIEW
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The poem’s title is from a 1985 song title by the band “Wild Chrysanthemum” (들국화). Its chorus goes: "I entered darkness, and walked endlessly, I entered rain, and just kept walking.”

Cindy Juyoung Ok on "A Sunday of Only Afternoon"
Steven Espada Dawson
Steven Espada Dawson's Open Approach to Poetry

"Dawson sees the post of poet laureate of Madison as an opportunity 'to bring more poetry and possibility to disenfranchised communities,' in particular, those whose lives are intertwined with the criminal justice system. Dawson’s own experience proves that 'art is a way we can imagine the world differently,' he says. With his new platform, Dawson hopes to introduce poetry to those who otherwise might never get a chance to experience the transformative power of artistic expression, whatever the medium might be."

Cover image of Spencer Reece's book, Acts
What Sparks Poetry: Spencer Reece on "Veni Creator Spiritus"

“Grief the weather over my desk as I wrote some of these poems. Grief fogging up the windowpanes in particular poems. Grief came with its own weird chant, grief that strange emotion where you know what you miss before you understand why. In this poem, a young man dies. Like in the poem, his name is Steven Hobbs. The name engraved into my tombstone of a poem. The ambition of the poem? Remember Steven Hobbs. The labor of the poem? Love. The words my Doric column for Eternity."

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