Hannah Emerson
Please be with me great free animals. I want to be
with you great being of light. Please see me great

nobody nobody nobody hell animals trying to go
to helpful keepers of the knowledge try to go

to the place in the mud that is where I try to live
in peace great mud of this great kissing loving

earth lovely messy yucky in mud on my face if
kissing mother loving me is the great animal

that is named Hannah. Please greet me in
the mud it is great mess please go to oh

the bucket to get the water to try to make
more mud yes. Please try to get the mud

helpful to you if you become mud too.
Please get that great animals are all

autistic. Please love poets we are the first
autistics. Love this secret no one knows it.
from the book THE KISSING OF KISSING / Milkweed Editions
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Elisa Gonzalez: "Solmaz Sharif Refuses to Fill in the Gaps"

"The metaphor of a customs checkpoint may be a deliberate misdirection in a collection of poems that is also guided by doors and passages: between memory and forgetting; between the living and the dead; between the language in which one writes and the language in which one laments; between the poet's real life and the poet's 'imagined life crying hot in my ear.' The porousness of these portals seems never-ending." 

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What Sparks Poetry:
fahima ife (New Orleans) on Ecopoetry Now

"That I required a desert to write poetry of the swamp. I open another poetry collection, wander inside the wet density of word, step outside world as we know it. As if poets hold access to the mycelial inner-dimensionalities of Earth as we continue singing in its wake. Something about lack of old forest in the DeepSouth—as you say: the woods here are less than one-hundred years old, on a billions of years old planet, in a newly-contested country, written in the lineage of descent."
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