Gedenkst? Do you remember
when you were a stranger
among strangers

a fremder     on papirn
a stranger         without papers?

Gedenkst di frages?

                         those endless questions

Ver zayt ir?     fun vanen kumt ir?
who are you?    where are you from?
why are you here     and not there?

Ver zaynen geven ayere shkheynim?
who were your neighbors?    where was the school?
what work did you do?   what can you do here
that you couldn't      do there?

Nokh amol   for the third   fourth
                                                              fifth time
Ver zayt ir?      fun vanen kumt ir?
who are you?  where are you from?
why are you here   and not there?

Ver iz der man? ver iz di froy?
who is this man?   who is this woman?
un di papirn?   and their papers?
un dos kind?       and this child?
did you find it here?     or bring it from there?
do you have a passport?   for  him?   for her?
farn kind  that one  with the dark hair?

Nokh amol    for the tenth    eleventh
                                                                  twelfth time
Ver zayt ir?       Fun vanen kumt ir?
who are you?    where are you from?
why are you here    and not there?
who do you know here?    who did you know there?
where will you sleep here?   how did you sleep there?
                                                                 un ayere khaloymes:
what do you dream of here?   what did you dream of there?
where will you work here?   what work did you do there?
and why can't you just   work   there?

Vu iz di vize    di grine karte    der pasport
visa?     green card?     passport?
photo?   from here     and from there?   and why did you
         cut your hair?

un dos kind?     and why did you bring
this child here    and not leave it there?

Nokh amol     for the eighteenth    nineteenth
                                                                                twentieth time
ver zayt ir?    fun vanen kumt ir?
farvos zayt ir do?     un nisht geblibn dortn?

why are you here?     and why didn't you just stay there?
from the book HER BIRTH AND LATER YEARS / Wesleyan University Press
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Photo of Mosab Abu Toha
"Gazan Poet Mosab Abu Toha wins Derek Walcott Prize"

"Prize judge Canisia Lubrin wrote of the book: Here is a book which revels at an impossible pitch, the potent will to live heart-first in confrontation with life under brutal siege. Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear is a supertonic glossary of sorrows so extreme it bends the brace of language into fortifying, never-naïve, elegy."

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Robin Myers on Other Arts

"I stopped to watch a group of people doing something odd and beautiful together on a patch of dry grass. Was it a dance improvisation workshop? An actors' warm-up? I couldn't tell, but it felt special to see them doing it. They drifted around and moved their limbs, interacting sporadically with their surroundings and each other, in a way that felt both spontaneous and coordinated, both public and private. Both practiced and unfinished, even unfinishable. They used only their bodies, no language at all."
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