Anna Maria Hong

Red fox, paws planted, staring back on the human

path, sprung to the woods sifting autumn's

dark rot, annamaya kosha:

first beam.

I glide with my predator's gaze,

scanning forward: wind-washed stone, gray die-cuts

gray ahead, clouds shape-misting: no

souls. Red fox of morning, gray rabbit

of evening, unbothered by my dog obsessed

with clumped earth, pithed grass, imprints

of friends and strangers long sent. I place my palm on

an oak to commune my worship: branch

fallen but the root is breathing.

Messenger of the pleasures of the solitary

hunt, copper squire of the underwood, wet floor of root

and hollow, the wrap of a tapered burrow

after the day's splash of find

and harrow. Terror borne

like a lustrous pelt.
from the journal COLORADO REVIEW
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This poem is part of a series of poems on walking in nature that I’ve drafted recently, as I’ve been living in rural New England for the last three years and walking a good deal with my little dog. It’s also part of a series of poems as spells/“dispels,” embracing the poem as a channel for spiritual communion and for diminishing fear through utterance and movement. 

Anna Maria Hong on "Dispellations: Palm Sunday"
"After a decades-long standoff with the last resident of a communal apartment, a private museum has finally opened in Brodsky’s shared home in St. Petersburg, a rare grass-roots victory in Russia."

What Sparks Poetry: 
Aaron McCollough on Denise Levertov's The Poet In The World

"We are, as she says, 'living our whole lives in a state of emergency' and therefore have no choice but to resist the petty politics of disenfranchisement peddled by nationalist revanchism and instead to embrace a truly radical form of conservatism—the effort to 'save that earthly life, that miracle of being, which poetry conserves and celebrates.'"
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