An Interview with Aracelis Girmay
“As someone who grew up far and a bit severed from so much of my extended family, I’ve always longed for the knowledges, practices, and histories that I might have known. I felt that the more I knew, the better I might understand or learn to read the systems and behaviors of my people….but also get closer, in diaspora, to the places from where my people came, and that all this knowing might help me to live somehow.“
What Sparks Poetry: Jody Gladding on René Char's The Brittle Age and Returning Upland
"There are other more comprehensive volumes of Char’s work in translation....But this one offers a wonderful bookness. There’s an integrity to the object, the physical form with the page as its basic unit, the short poems set in that space, nothing to distract me as I turn the page, or don’t. It fits in the hand, rests on a shelf, travels in a pack." |