"A Conversation with Natasha Rao"
"And when I started thinking more in depth about the word 'latitude' itself, I began thinking about distance, the idea of distance between the self and an imagined version of the self, and also the concept of 'latitude' as a scope for freedom, as in how much latitude I can grant myself. I wrote the rest of the sections very quickly, looking through notes I had written on flights—I love sitting by the window seat and writing in the sunlight."
What Sparks Poetry: Rocío Cerón (Mexico City) on Ecopoetry Now
"Language and nature are an ancient binomial that has reinforced the physicality between the world we inhabit and how we inhabit naming it. The power of the bird is not only its chirp and trill, but the richness of its name which alters our lips in pronouncing it: albatross, kestrel, blackbird, screech owl, flycatcher, vireo, thrush, golden tanager." |