"Ghinwa Jawhari on Her Debut Chapbook: BINT"
"I was trying to capture the body as an embodiment of what the outside world wants it to be. In the earlier poems of the chapbook, I was thinking about how a girl’s body is essentially a socio-political construct; the body is cultural. We can’t escape it—it happens to us. It’s not something that I have agency over."
What Sparks Poetry: James Longenbach on William Butler Yeats' "The Tower""The series seemed to me scary in a way poems rarely are when I first read it in 1981; it seems if anything more so today. 'O what fine thought we had because we thought,' says Yeats, and a couple of months ago that iambic pentameter line shot out at me as it never had before: is thinking itself the part of the problem, the way we depict thinking in language, the way we’ve learned to recognize it?" |