Great Sizzle
Terence Winch
Pour me another one, please.
I raked all the leaves in the rain and now I’m sore.

My primal fear involves living in a dark forest
made up of half-sentences and embryonic cabbages.

I was frolicking with my fairy godmother the other night
when we were suddenly seized by a chronic inflammation of unbelief.

The old postage stamps are licked. The eggs are beaten.
I look for redemption in comfort food and the second coming of Elvis.

A line was forming outside the darkened auditorium last night
just as the faithful began to chant, “The worst is yet to come!”

I focus on the flowers in the vase in the living room stinking up the house,
knowing sooner or later our source network will expose our files.

There is no way to get your secret back from the secret-stealer.
The soul is mysterious, they tell me. Put it in front of a camera and it explodes.
from the journal BISCUIT HILL
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Though I’m no longer a believer, I come out of a very religious upbringing, and I think that experience often plays out in my poems. This poem, it seems to me, mixes up the promise of religious belief with the sometimes ugly forces of mundane, concupiscent reality.   

Terence Winch on "Great Sizzle"
Color headshot of a smiling Bernadine Evaristo
2023 Forward Prizes Launch on 6 January

Jury chair Bernardine Evaristo is ready for the work to begin. "I’m looking forward to chairing the judging panel for the collections’ categories in 2023, not least because it will mean immersing myself in oceans of contemporary poetry. Poetry is essential to the creative and cultural life of the UK and every year this prize draws attention to the art form."

Cover image of In the Same Light: 200 Tang Poems for Our Century
What Sparks Poetry:
Wong May on In the Same Light

"Writing poetry or reading a poem is by nature a transgressive act.
You are transgressing a stranger’s consciousness. This stranger may be yourself.
Translating an ancient text & you are transgressing above all against Time.
When the work goes well, you are translating without acknowledging Time."
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