This poem is for every girl who was not believed or didn't know whom to ask for protection. This is for everyone who needed a mama spirit inside themselves because their mama couldn't or wouldn't protect them. This is also for Victoria, whom I never met, but whose spirit will never leave me alone. I see you dancing in every wildflowered field. May your beautiful soul, released from your girlbody too soon, fly free and unharmed. May you know you're loved. And that there are mamas who would've protected you. I'm so sorry your own mama did not. I will keep your memory alive and protect all the girls I can, as fiercely as I can, so long as I live.
Jennifer Givhan on [I AM RAISING] |
What Sparks Poetry: Our Thanks to You
Through the generosity of Ilya Kaminsky, Poetry Daily is offering a choice of two signed, limited edition broadsides of his poem, "A Walking Man," to every donor who is able to give $100 or more between December 11 and December 31. But all donations, whether small or large, mean the world to us. Thank you for all you do for poetry. |