Adrian Sobol
In the time it takes to make bread, a wild pasture.

Outside this thought, a song no longer than an inch.

If there is light, it's pressing down on you.

Something stirs inside it.

It is not so much lust you experience as it is its recurring engine.

Boredom is not a new technology.

It has no apparent safety valve.

Recite that old line about cream rising.

Top as operative verb.

Verb being, in this instance, a hunger.

You can laugh.

Do it now, into this pinewood box, before the morning comes.

Try to transcribe it.

Be serious for extended periods of time.

See how your wardrobe changes to match.

Your uber has arrived.

Half-sick you stumble out through the sidewalk.

You recall asphalt but not its purpose.

Where are you supposed to go.

In the dark there is no knowing.

Once, a tiny satellite circled the earth carrying a dog.

There can be no word for a fear you cannot fathom.

An infinite future tires you out.
from the journal BAT CITY REVIEW
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Image of Alyssa Gaines
"Alyssa Gaines is Named National Youth Poet Laureate"

"And I talked about community and healing and joy, even through these times of pain and grief. And especially, you know, in the Caribbean, when you look to, how do people recover in times of grief? How do people recover from pain, especially Black women? I think in the Caribbean, there is this tradition of music, of dancing, of cooking and sharing with your community. So I thought that was something that I wanted to honor in my exploration of grief and healing."

via NPR
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Cover of Allison Adelle Hedge Coke's Book, Streaming
What Sparks Poetry:
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke (Riverside, CA) on Ecopoetry Now 

"Awareness of what we are part of, an element of, an organism within, is essential to knowing oneself and one's placement. There is duty inherent to place; balance, sustenance, reciprocity, preservation, protection, beingness, belonging to or being a good guest within. Every step taken has impression. The wonder of magnitude, from dust mites to star dust all over everywhere. What is illuminating, challenging, holding instruments of knowing brings song, language, reason, purpose, poetry."
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