Alex Dimitrov
How again after months there is awe.
The most personal moment of the day
appears unannounced. People wear leather.
People refuse to die. There are strangers
who look like they could know your name.
And the smell of a bar on a cold night,
or the sound of traffic as it follows you home.
Sirens. Parties. How balconies hold us.
Whatever enough is, it hasn't arrived.
And on some dead afternoon
when you'll likely forget this,
as you browse through the vintage
again and again—there it is,
what everyone's given up
just to stay here. Jeweled hairpins,
scratched records, their fast youth.
Everything they've given up
to stay here and find more.
from the book LOVE AND OTHER POEMS / Copper Canyon Press
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"The Danger Is Beauty: Talking with Éireann Lorsung"

"The kaleidoscope is such a good image. The concept that I've come to for understanding history is this sense that things are recombinant rather than linear. And—I was actually just writing about this this morning—not recombinant in a way where you can say, okay, I'm just going to watch for X to repeat and then I will know that Y is happening. But the textures are recombinant."

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What Sparks Poetry:
Keene Carter on Susan Stewart's Cinder

"'Bees' is a wonderfully successful poem, as is the book Columbarium and indeed all of Cinder. I've pried into it a little because of its success, which is, as I've tried to show, tied directly to its 'failure'—a 'failure' in quotation marks because it is the failure to represent everything, and that's like calling death a failure of life: the requirement is absurd, even if the sentence is true."
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