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More Frank
Keith Leonard
When Elaine de Kooning painted Frank O'Hara,
she painted his face then smudged it away.
"It was more Frank," she said.
I've been thinking, too, of Rilke saying he just wanted
to be a final thing. The line between art and laundry
erased. I like to run the dishwasher at night
then place all the clean, clear glasses
in a neat row each morning.
I put my yellow coffee cup in the empty rack.
I drive to work and grade my papers
and peer over the cliff edge of our bank account,
muttering, "No stairs." In a myth,
Plato lets the dead choose
what life they will lead when next reborn.
It's taking Odysseus a long time. Of course it is.
He's looking for an uneventful life.
He's finding so few to choose from.
This one pressing a bag of ice to a child's forehead.
This one drawing a comb through his daughter's tangled hair.
from the journal THE GETTYSBURG REVIEW
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The Rilke line here comes from David Naimon’s conversation with Mary Ruefle for Between the Covers. Naimon and Ruefle reflect on the development of an artist—on what matters (and matters less) as one grows older. In his letters, Rilke longed for a stage in life when his attentive artist self wasn’t siloed from his everyday self. A stage where the poem was not something written, but something lived.

Keith Leonard on "More Frank"
Color headshot of poet Anthony Joseph, winner of the T. S. Eliot Prize
"Anthony Joseph wins TS Eliot Prize"

"Chair of judges Jean Sprackland, who was joined on the panel by 2021 Costa book of the year winner Hannah Lowe and 2019 TS Eliot prize winner Roger Robinson, said each of the shortlisted books 'spoke powerfully to us in its own distinctive voice....From this strong field our choice is Sonnets for Albert, a luminous collection which celebrates humanity in all its contradictions and breathes new life into this enduring form.'"

Color image from the Favorite Poetry Project
What Sparks Poetry:
Robert Pinsky on the Favorite Poem Project

"I think of Emiko Emori’s video of a Cambodian-American high school student reading 'Minstrel Man' by Langston Hughes, David Roderick’s video of a bomber pilot who served in Vietnam reading Yusef Komunyakaa’s 'Facing It' at the Vietnam Memorial, Natatcha Estébanez’s videos of a U.S. Marine reading 'Politics' by William Butler Yeats, and of a construction worker reading from Walt Whitman’s 'Song of Myself.'"
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