William J. Harris
My friend, Wendell Berry
bought a pocket watch
like this one:

for 25¢
off the back of a truck in San Francisco
He was real excited and happy
about his shrewd deal.
I, a sophisticated midwesterner,
with an $80
like this one:

given to me by my mother
was simply unimpressed
and a little amused.
You see, Wendell is from
a couple of miles
below the Ohio River
and I’m from several
miles above the Ohio River
in the lap of culture.

Well, yesterday, my $80 watch
and Wendell offered
to sell me his watch for 50¢
—that would be a 100% profit!
So I went to
this discount place, Baz’r,
and bought a watch
like this one:

for $3.66. Obviously a better watch
than Wendell’s.
But I ain’t never
talking to Mr. Wendell Berry again.
from the journal POETRY
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Abstract color illustration of writing on yellow ribbon twisting through space
Joyelle McSweeney Reviews Monica Youn's From From

"The perniciousness of racist doublespeak and the trick-mirror of double consciousness is reflected in a pattern of doubles in Youn’s book, starting with the title itself. The volume opens with a series of double exposures that work like an optometrist’s exam, bringing their paired subjects into and out of nearness and likeness, studies of Orpheus and Eurydice, Midas and Marigold, Echo and Narcissus."

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"But how do we live with our knowledge and the emotional cloud of fear, guilt, anger, grief, and helplessness, a cloud that surrounds us, each of us alone, and all of us together? That cloud has become intrinsic to my ecopoetical work. Burdened with the beauty and loss and malicious awfulness ahead, weighted with the anxiety that hits whenever a winter day dawns without frost on the ground or another 'unprecedented' downpour rings in the gutter, how do I live?"
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