This poem imagines the public library as a space for queer encounters and self-definition. Many of us can attest to how we built our identities through the words of others. It is a rare moment of self-exposure in my book, "Of the Florids," which otherwise takes on other voices in the archives of Singapore’s natural history. Shawn Hoo on "Precocious" |
You Make Poetry Daily Poetry Daily is reader supported. Your donation this season will allow Poetry Daily to thrive for years to come. Thank you for all you do for poetry. |
Paisley Rekdal Discusses Her New Book "I feel more hopeful about the future after West because I think the cyclicality of our national problems—around race, around technology, around nationhood itself—is actually a reflection about how committed we are to solving them. We could see it as a doom cycle, or we could see it as a gesture of commitment....We are, I believe, getting better in the fight, even as we understand that the fight can never truly and totally be won." via INTERLOCUTOR |
What Sparks Poetry: Oliver de la Paz on Language as Form "I started writing pantoums to demarcate section breaks to rectify what I saw as an imbalance in the work. I wanted to place the pantoum, which was originally a Malaysian form, against the sonnet's Western European tradition as a subtle nod to the complications that arise when attempting to adapt to a place." |