"The Crossing of Our Accents" recognizes language as the main, if not only, point of familial connection between a father and a daughter. I believe that language is what ultimately binds us all, it’s the center of any relationship, no matter what shape or lack thereof that language takes. So, this poem proceeds to question the English and Russian languages—their pliability, beauty, and failures.
Elina Katrin on "The Crossing of Our Accents" |
What Sparks Poetry: Sarah Ghazal Ali on Language as Form
"'Matrilineage [Umbilicus]' sprung from this unsettledness, not halfway into my first pregnancy, when my body ceased to be entirely mine. I came to the page eyes closed, hands outstretched to trace the contours of my thinking. I could not yet trace the face of my child, so I tried instead to touch each thought as it was born." |