Three Poems
Will Alexander
Fastidious Numbing System

American poetic literality
fastidious as numbed terrestrial fatigue as blunted range
as numbed authority
as assumed cultural notoriety

On Garish Unnerving

One speculates
one evinces floatation
there persists toxic crystallisation partially alive as phonemic disjunction perhaps
by possessive wrath
by filmic pull ululation
that explodes into blazing
that morphs into crystalline inaction
not as perfection
but as altitudinous dwarling
into benthic alignment with itself
with its own emblem
not as moral or taint
but as form by merger
as substantive alliance into states where garishness implodes into seeming unnerving
where its seeming state implodes into disappearance
not as voided misnomer
or anomalous swan
but as kindled procreation under the moniker of dice
as stunned transmission that leaps beyond itself
that morphs into own singularity as ambit
not as wrath or lessening
but as possibly scrawled chariots sizzling into soils
as form by possible ignition
as anarchic salvation
via true emergence by glint
as cobalt flexibility


My sojourn with Julie ends as a timeless contact. Her living space not unlike a dove flashing upwards from timeless groundwater. A timeless energy not principally as quantifiable hamlet but as magnetic symbiosis. Her enclave naturally appears as quintessential utterance that ranges from human artistic transmission, to the enigmatic flight of differing butterfly ensembles. Therefore life erupts as a magnetic living system that includes various shadings that range across natural flora and fauna. One can evidence the latter not only as a powerful oasis, but as a charismatic crucible of forces. I am not speaking of architectural highlight in Cleveland, but a hieractic oasis that principally magnifies and attracts.

from the book CHARISMATIC SPIRALS / Isolarii
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Language is not only subconscious beckoning, but rise into Aurobioequese supra-conscious lingual states not by ideology, but from the flotational state of higher language itself, as it empowers itself from within. I'll call this inner lingual inferno as wind, as ubiquitous inner kinetic.

Will Alexander on Three Poems
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"Grief the weather over my desk as I wrote some of these poems. Grief fogging up the windowpanes in particular poems. Grief came with its own weird chant, grief that strange emotion where you know what you miss before you understand why....In this poem, a young man dies. Like in the poem, his name is Steven Hobbs. The name engraved into my tombstone of a poem. The ambition of the poem? Remember Steven Hobbs. The labor of the poem? Love. The words my Doric column for Eternity."

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