On Translation with Robin Myers & Kate Millar
"[Community] means, to borrow a word you focused on in an earlier question, curiosity: sustained, loving, reciprocal interest in the well-being, imagination, rights, hurts, decisions, emotional plenitude, and eccentricities of others. It means asking each other questions because we want to ask them, and to keep each other company as we grope around for the words to answer with."
What Sparks Poetry: Karen An-hwei Lee on "Dear Millennium, a Jade Rabbit on the Far Side of the Moon”
"About a year or so before the global pandemic of 2020, China landed a rover on the far side of the moon. The rover’s name was “Jade Rabbit,” a robot that was part of the series of Chang’E missions. This mixture of facts and metaphors inspired me to reflect on our relationships to dead metaphors and their intricate web of mythologies and cultural stories leading to these metaphors—for instance, the moon as green cheese, the man in the moon, the rabbit under a cassia tree in the moon, and the lady who drank the elixir of immortality and floated there." |