Clint Smith 
all I hear is the wind slapping against the gravestones
of those who did not make it, those who did not
survive to see the confetti fall from the sky, those who

did not live to watch the parade roll down the street.
I have grown accustomed to a lifetime of aphorisms
meant to assuage my fears, pithy sayings meant to

convey that everything ends up fine in the end. There is no
solace in rearranging language to make a different word
tell the same lie. Sometimes the moral arc of the universe

does not bend in a direction that will comfort us.
Sometimes it bends in ways we don't expect & there are
people who fall off in the process. Please, dear reader,

do not say I am hopeless, I believe there is a better future
to fight for, I simply accept the possibility that I may not
live to see it. I have grown weary of telling myself lies

that I might one day begin to believe. We are not all left
standing after the war has ended. Some of us have
become ghosts by the time the dust has settled.
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Photograph of Lal Singh Dil
'I Saw How He Sought to
Break the Chains of Caste’: Nirupama Dutt on Translating Lal Singh Dil

"Coming of age in the mid-1970s and reaching out to the literary world was a significant matter. Those were times when the poet was still a hero and literature was considered the means to changing the old order and setting up a more just society. The radical Left still provided a vision, and, starting with the peasant revolt in the Naxalbari village in Bengal, the movement spread to other states and so also to Punjab."

Sally Keith's handwritten version of "When Great Trees Fall"

"I was in college in a small school in Central Pennsylvania and must have ended up in the large lecture hall to hear Maya Angelou by accident, if not for an assignment....The experience sent me off into the stacks to read for myself some of the poems I had heard Angelou read. Rereading I realized I could begin to rehear the music I had heard in person; following the lines, as I read out-loud, I felt my own voice approximate the same sounds. This was thrilling and utterly new.
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